How old is Ellie Diamond?
She is 21
Can you tell us a bit more about where Ellie Diamond is from?
I’m from Dundee, Scotland. It’s famous for cake and The Beano and as there isn’t much of a drag scene there, I’m a big queen (literally) in a tiny pond. Scottish queens are different to every other queen in the scene in that we are self-sufficient. We do our own hair and outfits and we do everything ourselves and so we’re very independent with our drag.
Who is Ellie Diamond?
I’m 6’4″ out of heels, and in drag, I love to go even taller. I like the biggest wigs, heels, outfits, lashes, makeup and ass. I would describe my drag as a cartoon character that has come to life. If you were to search online for a photo of drag queen, then a picture of me would come up!
Who or what inspires your drag?
I’m heavily obsessed with any sort of family friendly films like the Cat in the Hat and Disney, but my all-time favourite film is The Wizard of Oz. I love bold colour, patterns and ideas. I take inspiration from my favourite movies, cartoons, anime and put it altogether to create this beautiful 6ft 8 drag queen that you see before you.
What can we expect from an Ellie Diamond show?
You can expect fierce looks, amazing performances, and maybe even a fart or two at the end!
What do you do when you’re not Ellie?
The Scottish drag scene isn’t very big at all, and the Dundee scene is tinier, so I’ve got more of a presence on social media, but a girl’s got to work to look this good, so by day I fund my drag through my work at a drive-through fast food place, but believe me, my uniform is customised and I sashay to that counter! I would love to be dressed like this 24/7.
Why drag?
Drag Race has always been a big part of my life growing up, and RuPaul certainly brought drag into the mainstream and into my world.
When I started doing drag nearly four years ago, I really wanted to learn the artform properly. I spent hours watching YouTube tutorial after tutorial and asked other drag queens for help. It was difficult but slowly I taught myself to do my own hair and costumes. Now I’m here and it’s a dream come true.
Are you nervous about any challenges?
I’m worried about Snatch Game or comedy challenges. I’m still developing my act, and I have only every performed out of Dundee once, so I am slightly intimidated from going to only performing in Dundee to performing on the world’s biggest drag stage.
Would you say you are competitive?
I am competitive, but I’m hard working too. I won’t throw anyone under the bus and I’ll definitely give it my all and do my best. My personal motto is ‘treat others the way you want to be treated and maybe then the world can be rainbows and unicorns.’
How will you slay?
I might only be 21, but I can do everything that the other queens can. I’m really looking forward to any design challenge as I’m really crafty and creative. I could probably walk into any room and make and make any old thing an outfit! I have danced most of my life from classes to musical theatre, so I’d say my dancing skills are top tier.
I’m also looking forward to some acting and singing – I can hit a few high notes. I’m like a Dundee version of Hannah Montana.
Why Drag Race UK?
I’m doing this for the baby queens who want to try drag but don’t have the biggest budget. Use your creativity and passion for the artform and learn how to do it yourself!